segunda-feira, abril 26, 2004

Narrador: And there is the account of the hanging of three men, and the scuba diver, and the suicide. There are stories of coincidence and chance and intersections and strange things told and which is which and who only knows? And we generally say: "Well, if that was in a movie, I wouldn't believe it." Someone's so-and-so met someone else's so-and-so and so on. And -- it is in the humble opinion of this narrator that strange things happen all the time. And so it goes, and so it goes. And the book says: "We may be through with the past but the past ain't through with us."

Nas proximas semanas neste blogue os dialogos mais significativos do melhor filme do Mundo, escrito pelo genial Paul Thomas Anderson. Magnolia (1999). Isto significa, que eu vou colocar o argumento do filme praticamente todo. Um prazer.